
The Walk for PKD is the largest fundraising event for polycystic kidney disease (PKD), raising over $36 million since the year 2000. At the event, the PKD Foundation brings together patients, physicians, and researchers to strengthen the community for all impacted by PKD. When you ask your friends and family to support you and the Walk for PKD, 100% of each donation will fund life-saving research.

We’re excited to gather across the country this fall, and with a virtual option, everyone can be a part of our vision to end PKD.


Register today and make a difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans and millions worldwide living with PKD.

We can’t wait to see you at a Walk for PKD event this fall!

Virtual Walk

Feel more comfortable walking in your own neighborhood?

ARPKD Research Fund

Want your fundraising to exclusively support ARPKD research?

Top 2023 Fundraisers



Mark Ruffin $30,509
CJ Everett $22,363
Greigh Gruarin $18,595
McVey Family Walk for PKD $15,621
Harold Saul $14,023
Amy Medugno $11,021
Amy Manelli $10,310
Ana Repa $9,625
Adam Saks $8,900
Patti Ruffin $8,641
Want to know how to make it on this list? Start a fundraiser and earn your place!

Our sponsor

National Presenting Sponsor

Walk donations go toward PKD research.

Get involved with the PKD Foundation.